Thursday April 24, 2025 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
In this session, we explore App Catalog and how it solves the challenge of patching 3rd party macOS apps with Microsoft Intune. Developed by the experienced and fully Apple-certified professionals at MSP Root3, App Catalog automates the detection and patching of 1500 macOS apps.

With our extensive knowledge and understanding of Apple platforms, we built upon native Apple technologies such as Swift and SwiftUI. This results in the best performance and user experience you expect on Apple devices, while prioritizing vulnerability patching.

The demo will guide you through the onboarding process and set up macOS patch management for 1500 apps using just one Configuration Profile and one script in Microsoft Intune, no packages needed. Need more control? Advanced options are available, including delaying updates, mandatory apps, exclusions, deferrals, and more.

We’ll also explore the Customer Portal, which provides valuable insights into an organization’s fleet and app landscape through rich statistics and logs.

To enhance the user experience, we’ll demonstrate how the end-user app allows users to update apps on-demand at their convenience, ensuring user productivity. Additionally, we’ll showcase an integration with our popular free open-source app “Support App” demonstrating how to further enhance the user experience directly from the macOS menu bar.
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Jordy Witteman

Apple Principal Consultant, Root3
Jordy is Apple Principal Consultant at Root3 and fully Apple certified. He's also responsible for App Catalog product marketing and working with the engineering team. In the Apple community he is mostly known for developing "Support App" for macOS.In his role, he collaborates with... Read More →
Thursday April 24, 2025 11:00am - 11:30am CEST
Pleyel 5 (100 seats) H4 Hotel Wyndham Paris Pleyel Conference Center

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