Friday April 25, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am CEST
Join us for an electrifying live session where our expert hosts will demonstrate a real-time hack into a Microsoft 365 tenant using a well-known phishing attack technique. Ever wondered how hackers sidestep MFA and manage to sneakily extract data? This session is your golden ticket to those answers!

**What you will learn from this session:

- **The Hacker's Playbook:** Understand the tactics attackers use to target your digital environment.

- **Your Shield Against Phishing:** Learn how to thwart 99% of phishing attempts with practical, effective strategies.

- **Emergency Protocols:** Find out the best steps to take when dealing with unauthorised access in your environment. This session promises to be both fun and interactive, empowering you with the knowledge to fortify your Microsoft 365 tenant against intruders. Get ready to engage with our friendly experts in real-time, ask questions, and gain invaluable insights into safeguarding M365!
avatar for Jon Jarvis

Jon Jarvis

Microsoft Security Solutions Architect, Advania UK
Hey! I am a Microsoft Security Solutions Architect working for Advania UK. I am a Microsoft MVP in both Intune and Windows 365. ​
Friday April 25, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am CEST
Pleyel 15 (180 seats) H4 Hotel Wyndham Paris Pleyel Conference Center

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