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Wednesday, April 23

10:00am CEST

Fighting Adversary-in-the-Middle, choosing the right strategy
Wednesday April 23, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am CEST
Last year we were faced with a new advanced phishing technique, called Adversary-in-The-Middle (AiTM). This is an advanced method to bypass multiple forms of MFA, where a proxy is used to capture tokens also known as a man in the middle attack. In this session Kenneth and Erik explains using a real field story about how this type of attack works.

Then we cover the topics about Protect - Detect - Respond

We will go through our options to fight this by using differente strategies like implementing phishing resistant MFA methods and by using Conditional Access policies, with or without advanced Entra ID P2 Protection methods.

Which options you have for detecting this kind of attack, when you are unable to automatically protect against this attack.

What can we do after we have detected that the attack took place, some useful tips on how to mitigate the issue. 

As a bonus we unveil also $0 options to protect and detect for SMB and MSP, since we are Dutch :)

After this session you will have enough information to stop this attack and some food for thought to make a more sophisticated layering of defense strategies.
avatar for Erik Loef

Erik Loef

CTO, Proxsys
avatar for Kenneth van Surksum

Kenneth van Surksum

Modern Workplace Consultant, Secure At Work
As a Microsoft 365 Modern Workplace consultant I help customers implement modern workplace solutions based on top of theirMicrosoft 365 licensing, leveraging products like Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Entra, Microsoft Defender, Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint... Read More →
Wednesday April 23, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am CEST
Pleyel 7 (60 seats) H4 Hotel Wyndham Paris Pleyel Conference Center

11:15am CEST

Device Code Phishing, how to detect and prevent those nasty phishers...
Wednesday April 23, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
Device Code Phishing is more common than you´d think. Simply because it works better than asking for a username and password.

This session will show you common attack scenarios targeting both regular users and admins (god forbid) with device code phishing, and of course what we can implement to prevent it from occurring. We will also look at enumeration from an external/guest point of view to identify an appropriate target to phish.
avatar for Viktor Hedberg

Viktor Hedberg

Senior Technical Architect @ Truesec AB, Truesec
Security consultant with a focus on Microsoft Security either on-prem or in the cloud, and a blueteamer at heart. Viktor has worked within IT for the past 10 years always within Cyber Security. Working for public sector in Sweden for years but now as a specialist at Truesec AB focusing... Read More →
Wednesday April 23, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
Pleyel 7 (60 seats) H4 Hotel Wyndham Paris Pleyel Conference Center

2:30pm CEST

How to use App Protection policies to secure data while making your users happy
Wednesday April 23, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Data protection technologies is rarely something that is appreciated by users. However, with the current state of App Protection policies, in Microsoft Intune, we have a better opportunity than ever before. This session will dive into APP with focus on iOS and Android and show how to implement them for both managed and unmanaged devices. You will also gain valuable insights based on field experiences on how to successfully convince your users that data protection is the coolest thing ever.
avatar for Simon Binder

Simon Binder

Principal Workplace & Security Architect, Telia Cygate
As a Principal Workplace & Security Architect, as well as a Security and Windows & Devices MVP. Simons goal is to compose an enjoyable, powerful and purpose driven workplace experience with IT. He have a talent of translating organizational needs into technology and always emphasize... Read More →
Wednesday April 23, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Pleyel 4 (100 seats) H4 Hotel Wyndham Paris Pleyel Conference Center

4:30pm CEST

PIMs and PAWs with Windows 365
Wednesday April 23, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm CEST
Manage Intune from anywhere? Today we can secure the identity with conditional access, FIDO2 and MFA. But what about the actual device the administration is done from?

Learn how to setup a privileged access workstation using Intune and Windows 365.
During this session we are going through how to make sure that You have a secure way for high privileged administrators to do the work.
avatar for Anders Green

Anders Green

Workplace Architect, Spinback
Wednesday April 23, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm CEST
Pleyel 7 (60 seats) H4 Hotel Wyndham Paris Pleyel Conference Center
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